Legend Gargee

Info Level Experience Last seen
Legend Gargee

Voc: Master Sorcerer
Premium status: No
159 64,915,312 2024-11-18 22:11:00
Magic level Fist Melee Distance Shielding Fishing
69 ?? Cl: 12
Sw: 21
Ax: ??
12 26 ??
Last 20 deaths
Date Level Via
2024-11-18 21:06:04 161 Isa Boletini
2024-11-17 23:51:02 160 Bukayo Saka
2024-11-17 23:41:02 161 Konoplyanka
2024-11-17 23:15:07 162 Chuma
2024-11-14 20:39:31 157 Siir'Pix
2024-11-11 23:26:10 152 Bukayo Saka
2024-11-06 23:47:36 135 a champion
2024-11-03 21:30:11 128 a winter elf harbinger and a demon outcast
2024-11-03 16:36:45 129 Fuck Casino
2024-10-30 09:57:52 109 Big Dawg
2024-10-29 00:03:20 106 a crusader
2024-10-21 00:14:15 75 Stej-Lajk-Dys
2024-10-15 18:19:46 55 a acolyte of the cult and a adept of the cult
2024-10-15 16:51:34 53 a adept of the cult and a acolyte of the cult
2024-10-15 16:38:06 54 a adept of the cult
2024-10-14 00:28:19 48 a mummy and a vampire
2024-10-13 16:10:48 44 P'Diddy-in-J'Bibi
2024-10-13 15:12:10 42 a vampire and a beholder
2024-10-11 23:53:16 19 Brasileiro Matador
Last 10 kills
Date Victim level Victim
2024-11-18 20:58:19 179 Il Bambino Soldato
2024-11-18 20:56:41 159 Antadz
2024-11-17 22:32:21 245 Bukayo Saka
2024-11-16 21:37:14 42 Fiuut
2024-11-16 21:36:35 48 Jebali Cie
2024-11-15 01:13:02 137 Ronnaldo Daaula
2024-11-15 00:48:23 184 Bigblackclock
2024-11-14 00:24:56 143 D-S
2024-11-13 23:20:29 100 Fetsson
2024-11-13 23:05:08 145 Antadz
Exp history from last 7 days
Date Level Experience
2025-01-18 09:00:00 159 64,915,312
2025-01-17 09:00:00 159 64,915,312
2025-01-16 09:00:00 159 64,915,312
2025-01-15 09:00:00 159 64,915,312
2025-01-14 09:00:00 159 64,915,312
2025-01-13 09:00:00 159 64,915,312
2025-01-12 09:00:00 159 64,915,312
Time online from last 7 days
Date Time
2025-01-18 0 seconds
2025-01-17 0 seconds
2025-01-16 0 seconds
2025-01-15 0 seconds
2025-01-14 0 seconds
2025-01-13 0 seconds
2025-01-12 0 seconds
Last 20 login and logout dates
Login Logout Duration Level
2024-11-18 20:38:00 2024-11-18 22:12:00 1h 34m 161
2024-11-18 19:04:00 2024-11-18 20:37:00 1h 33m 159
2024-11-17 22:24:00 2024-11-17 23:52:00 1h 28m 162
2024-11-16 19:00:00 2024-11-16 22:33:00 3h 33m 158
2024-11-16 15:51:00 2024-11-16 16:57:00 1h 6m 158
2024-11-15 21:39:00 2024-11-15 23:33:00 1h 54m 158
2024-11-15 20:49:00 2024-11-15 21:24:00 35m 158
2024-11-15 15:35:00 2024-11-15 20:47:00 5h 12m 157
2024-11-15 00:13:00 2024-11-15 02:46:00 2h 33m 156
2024-11-15 00:05:00 2024-11-15 00:06:00 1m 156
2024-11-14 22:49:00 2024-11-15 00:04:00 1h 15m 156
2024-11-14 20:41:00 2024-11-14 21:26:00 45m 156
2024-11-14 17:45:00 2024-11-14 20:40:00 2h 55m 155
2024-11-14 15:52:00 2024-11-14 17:44:00 1h 52m 155
2024-11-13 22:57:00 2024-11-14 01:15:00 2h 18m 154
2024-11-12 22:43:00 2024-11-12 23:58:00 1h 15m 153
2024-11-12 21:26:00 2024-11-12 21:33:00 7m 153
2024-11-12 10:04:00 2024-11-12 21:18:00 11h 14m 151
2024-11-12 02:21:00 2024-11-12 10:01:00 7h 40m 151
2024-11-12 01:23:00 2024-11-12 02:20:00 57m 151
Level change history
21 2024-10-12 34 2024-10-13 49 2024-10-14 53 2024-10-15 54 2024-10-16
60 2024-10-17 68 2024-10-18 70 2024-10-19 73 2024-10-20 77 2024-10-21
84 2024-10-22 89 2024-10-23 92 2024-10-24 97 2024-10-25 100 2024-10-26
102 2024-10-27 104 2024-10-28 105 2024-10-29 108 2024-10-30 113 2024-10-31
117 2024-11-01 124 2024-11-02 127 2024-11-03 130 2024-11-05 134 2024-11-06
136 2024-11-07 141 2024-11-08 146 2024-11-10 148 2024-11-11 151 2024-11-12
154 2024-11-13 155 2024-11-14 157 2024-11-15 158 2024-11-16 162 2024-11-17
159 2024-11-18